"It is NOT IMPOSSIBLE" Building a Business from Zero using The Bulldozer Method
"It is NOT IMPOSSIBLE" Building a Business from Zero using The Bulldozer Method
- Author:
- ISBN-13: 9781535610155
- Book Condition: New
Tim Mansour's book, "It is NOT Impossible" Building a business from Zero, using the Bulldozer Method, was inspired by his own journey and passion to own his own business. As a young man, age 22, and fresh out of college, Tim had, NO money, NO investors, NO capital and NO experience. The "Bulldozer Method" outlines ways to keep your eye on the prize - not mowing anyone down - just the opposite, by working with others to learn, grow and win!
Tim's book reveals his business and personal success as well as "How to" start and grow your business, creative money management, power of positive thinking, and much more. Have you never envisioned starting a business? Learn helpful information and tips which include, how do you handle and overcome adversity? Understanding myths & truths of creating success (i.e. how you can build from zero and should you involve family or close friends? Also find out if...... Are you a race horse? OR A pinball? in your personal life and business quest. The answers to these and other questions are in Tim's book.
Tim is ready to speak to your business or group to share his motivating and positive message of success! For information visit his website at www.mansourinternational.com.